Orenburg lace triangle opis

Orenburg lace triangle opis


Galina Khmeleva

Skill Level Advanced

Finished Size About 42" along each short side and 57" along the long side, blocked. Yarn Regla Silk 4-ply (55% wool, 25% nylon, 20% silk; 218 yd [199 m]/50 g; Fingering #1 Super Fine); #00002 natural meliert, 2 skeins. Yarn distributed by Westminster Fibers.

Needles Size 0 (2 mm): straight. Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.

Notions Marker (m); stitchholder; T-pins; about 4 yd (4 m) thick nylon cord for blocking.

Gauge 24 sts and48 rows = 4" in garter st, blocked.


• Slip the first st of every row purlwise with. yarn in front.


With yarn and thread held tog and using the long-tail mefhod (see Glossary) holding two needles tog, CO 12 sts. Following Bottom Border chart, worktwo set-up rows, then work Rows 1-16 a to tal of 27 times—13 sts; 27 points or "teeth."


Work short rows to miter corner as foli: Row 1: Sl 1 pwise, k2, yo, k3, yo, k2tog, k3, kl and place this st back on left needle, do not work last st—2 sts on left needle. Rows 2, 4, 6, and 8: Knit.

Row 3: Sl 1 pwise, k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k2, kl and place this st back on left needle, do not work last st—2 sts on left needle.

Row 5: Sl 1 pwise, [k2, yo] 2 times, k2tog, yo, k2tog, kl, yo, k2tog, k2, kl and place this st back on left needle—1 st on left needle.

Row 7: Sl 1 pwise, k2, yo, kl, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, k2tog, kl, yo, k2tog, kl and place this st back on left needle, do not work last st—2 sts on left needle.

Row 9: Sl 1 pwise, k3, yo, k2tog, kl, yo, k3tog, yo, kl, k2tog, yo, k2, kl and place this st back on left needle, do not work last st—2 sts on left needle.

Rows 10, 12, and 14: Knit to last 2 sts, k2tog.

Row 11: Sl 1 pwise, k3, yo, k2tog, k3, k2tog, yo, k4, kl and place this st back on left needle—1 st on left needle.

Row 13: Sl 1 pwise, k3, yo, k2tog, kl, k2tog, yo, k4, kl and place this st back on left needle, do not work last st.

Row 15: Sl 1 pwise, k3, yo, k3tog, yo, k5, kl and place this st back on left needle, do not work last st—2 sts on left needle.

Row 16: Knit to last 2 sts, k2tog—13 sts on right needle.

Next row: (Row 1 of Border chart) Sl 1 pwise, k2, yo, k3, yo, k2tog, k5. Place marker (pm) to divide border and body of shawl.


With empty needle and working from begin-ning of bottom border (RS facing), pickup each slipped edge st along straight edge of border by placing needle through the front of each loop—217 sts picked up (8 sts picked up for each of 27 teeth plus 1 st picked up at set-up row. Knit back across all these loops by knitting in back of each stitch to give a crossed pattern (and prevent large holes). Next row: Sl 1 pwise, knit across the body sts, inc 2 sts evenly spaced, sl marker (sl m), work Row 2 of Border chart—219 body sts, 14 border sts; 233 sts to tal.


Beg with Row 3, work Body chart as foli: Sl 1 pwise, k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k4 (for border), sl m, cont to last 2 sts, working large patt as charted, k2tog. Cont as charted, sl 1 pwise at the beg of every row, and working k2tog at the end of every pattern row of border (odd-numbered rows) to form diagonal edge of triangle. Cont in this manner until a to tal of 27 teeth have been worked (432 rows), ending with Row 16 of border—4 body sts and 13 border sts rem.


Row 1: Sl 1 pwise, k2, yo, k3, yo, k2tog, k3, kl and place this st back on left needle, do not work last st.

Rows 2, 4, 6, and 8: Knit.

Row 3: Sl 1 pwise, k2, yo, k5, yo, k2tog, k2, kl and place this st back on left needle, do not work last st.

Row 5: Sl 1 pwise, [k2, yo] 2 times, k2tog, yo, k2tog, kl, yo, k2tog, k2, knit last st tog with 2 sts from body of shawl (k3tog) and


Slip first stitch on left needle to right needle, pass second stitch on right needle over first stitch and drop off needle (Figurę 1). *Slip first stitch on right needle to left needle, insert tip of right needle through first stitch purlwise and then through second stitch knitwise, drawing second stitch through first, then drop first stitch off needle (Figurę 2). Slip first stitch on left needle to right needle, insert tip of left needle through first stitch purlwise and through second stitch knitwise, drawing second stitch through first, then drop first stitch off needle (Figurę 3). Repeat from * until one stitch remains.

Figurę 1    Figurę 2    Figurę 3

50 Accessories 2009 • INTERWEAYE KNITS * interweaveknits.com


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