In Irish lace. motifs. such as this flower. are worked separately. Completed motifs are arranged fol-lowing a pattern. then joined togcth-er with an airy crocheted open or net-type stitch that allows the heav-er motifs to stand out against the net background.
3 Make a slip knot on hook with next color (orange). then work-ing on wrong side of ycllow piece, insert hook under a center spoke and work sl st to join yarn. ch 6 (ftrst dc and ch 3). work (dc and ch 3) on each remaining spoke around (8 orange spokes madę). Sl st in 3rd ch of ch-6.
4Ch l. tum unit to right side with ycllow on top. Folding yel-low pctals forward to work orange. work (sc. ch l. 3 dc. ch 1. sc) ovcr each ch-3 arch. Join to first sc. Fasten off.
IWith first color of yarn (yellow.
in this case). ch 6. In the slxth ch from hook. work (dc and ch 2) seven times. Join with sl st to 3rd nnworked ch of t he initial Chain (8 spokes madę in wheel).
2Ch 1, work (sc*. ch 1. 2 dc. ch 1.
sc) over each ch-2 arch around. Join with sl st to first sc*. Fasten off.
5 With next color (pink). make slip knot and join.
on wrong side. to an orange spoke. ch 7 (first dc and ch 4). work (dc and ch 4) on each remaining orange spoke. Join to 3rd ch of ch-7. Ch 1. and turn to right side to work (sc. ch 1.4 dc. ch 1. sc) over each pink ch-4 arch. Join to first sc. Fasten off.