S20C 409120813260

S20C 409120813260

beaded ruffle bag conlinucd

Level Intermediate

Knitted Measurements

Betare. felting

Hcicht: 13 ' (33cm); Bose v\ddth: 7tó" (19cm)

Rasę circum erence: 15" (33cm); Circumference at the widest part: M' (61 cm)

Btnton tao. Th" x %" (6.25cm x 2.2u;i); Strap: 2%w x 26"

(7cm x 66cm)

After feltitig

Heigiit: 9" (23cm); Base width: 6'//" (16.5t.rii)

Base circumference: 13" (33cm); Circumfereice at the widest part: 21" (53.5cm)

Bulion lab: 2" x :A {5cm x 2.2cm); Strap: 1%" x 26"

(4.5crn x 66un)


Fetting Jtber

5 skeirs o; Athemy Yarns Sancuary, 70% mer r u. 30% sil<# 1% oz (50g). 125yds (114ri), 05f Persimnon (colur A).. 0EH ligrit

Nonfciiing fiber

1 ske ri of Alcherny Yarns Paguda, 100% silk nouclp. 1 A o;? (3S.Bg), 183 yris (16/m), 49c lłi;rky (color 3), ^Q| med urn

15" (4Ccn) circuldr needle i i size US 5 <4mri) or size ueeded lo ob:ain gauge

A ss: o* double-pcirted needles in the same size ('or casc in consructing the strap)

Crochet nook i'i size F-5 (3.75rr rn}

Stitch rradcers

1 smali button

1 shoclacc (to hołd the buttc.ihole cocn during felting)

1nvisih'e beading thread and neaning needle (available in most caft sto'es)

'/i oz (15c) of snall rectonoular aloss teads, tubular shapeć, approximatsly" (6nm) lsnqth (Blue Mocns beads in hol pilik are shown.)

Tapestry needle Gauge

20 stitnes and 24 rows = 4 {lOcrr) in garter stitc i be'ore feltiny


k/arksrs a'e essenlicl for iliis patiem, h: bulli llie riylil iwisl and gradialet: c rcumference in llie design.

Special Stitches

Right twist

Kni: the second st tch on the lott needle without droppirg i: off, knit the łirst stitch, then drop both stitnes ott.


Usług cola: A and circnlar needles, cast on 74 stitches and <ni 2 rcws.

Next 2 rows

Raw 1 (Right Si de) K1, <fh, krit to -he las- ) stitches. kfh, k1.

Row 2 Kn t.

Rpppat these 7 rows umil you havp 36 stitches.

Work evenlv in garter stitch (knit every row) for 10 rows.

Next 2 rows

Row 1 (Right Side) K1, ssk, knit to the lasc 3 stitches, k2tog, ki.

Row 2 Knit

Repeat these 2 rows until you have 24 s:i:ches.


Jlacp a marker on :he nepdle, pick up and kni: 16 stitches along the nearest side o: the piece, plac? ano:her marker, pick up and <nic 24 stitches along the cast-on edge. place another marker, pick ip arc krit 16 stitches clone the rext side o:he piece, place ano:her marker (this marker should oe a cifferent cclor or desigr :o denote the beginning o" the roind)—80 stitches arc 4 mar:<e's placed.

Join to woik ir the roind by <ni.linq Jie firsl of Ihs uriyira 24 stitches, and knit 1 round.

Next 6 rounds

Rounds 1-5 * Right .wist, krit to he las- 7 stitches befnre 'he marker, r ght 1wis:y sl marker, rpneat frorr * to he neginning of :he round.

Round 6 “Right twist, kt, ml, knit to the lest 3 stitches be*oie t ie uex: marker, ml, kl, 'ighttwist twfce. <ni: to tie ast 2 stitnes fcefore the nex: marker, right twis:, sl mcr<er; repeat from 4 once morę to the oeginning of the round.

Repeat these 6 rounes until you nave 136 stitches.

Work Rounds 1-5 (wi:hout any morę rereases) until the sides measurs 13" (33cm).

Ws-k in garter stitch for 6 rounds Uni: 1 round, then ourl l round).

Bind off dli stitches.

52 shihori ku ił*


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