co n t e m p I a t i v e w rap eon t i nu tul
Level Incerrrodiatc
Knitted Measurements
liefore felting
32" x 56” (81 cm x 9km)
After felting
34" (86cm) cl widesl point ard 21 (53.5cn) at narrowest ooint x 48" (122cm)
3 skeirs AJdiemy Yans Sanmary. 70% merre, 30% sik, 1% oz (50g), 125 yds (114m), 10r (osta Kraus (colorA), light
NonfcUing fiber
3 skeitis Alchemy Yams Pagoda. 100% sik boncie, Y/a oz (40g)/183 ycs (167n), 3!Jw Spruce (color 8). m mecium
2 skeins c-ach oł Alchemy Yarrs ^aooda, 100% sik houcle, 1/4 oz (40g), 1S3 yds (167m), 28wTea Tide {coiar C) and ->()e Sonr Grass (color D). nediun
1 skein of Alchemy Yarns Pagode, 100% silk boucle, VU oz (40y), 183 yds (157n), 19w Soft Ttrquoisc (color E), medum
32" (80cm) circulor needle in s.ze IS 6 (4mrn) or si?p reeded to obtair aaugc
A set of nouole-pointed needles in the same size (for ease h conslruit-ino rhe thin strips)
Crcchet hook n size F-5 (3.75mn)
lapestry .need'e
20 stitches and 34 rows - ^' (lOcrr) in garter st tch using color A before felting
(ontrary to felting belief, th s piece will accually grew lalher than shr nk afte* felting. P ease 'eter :o oage 119 for detaileu informator about expectatlons and shrhkaęe in shiboi! fe t ng.
'he piece s conslruc.ed in a senes of panels, some of which aro <ni: ir narrow stockiuetle stilch strrps. Other panels a'e knit n a pcrpendiculcr d rection, pit<ed up ano kn t aloreside the long edges ot :hc s:rips. Ali oanels a'e jur.ed together before felting Becausethe shrinkina (felting)
fioer trave s :n one dircctior, the nonfelting fioei respands le Ihe puli of the ńeltirg fibe: forming the ruftled etfcc.
Wher workr.g the str pes in seclioris 1 and 1 /, rany color E up tne sfde of the piece. Ali other colois should be jo n?d as needed. w th ends wover i.n "oi each stripe.
Please look at the color chart 35 you knit. Althoug i the wrilten direcliors wi I not always move in numerka. sequence, yot will socn calcJi on to the predictable rhythm cf the const'uction t lat is necessary for iha shihor eftect.
Seetion 2
(Seetion 7 is madę before sect on 1, due to the nccessary shibor. tech n qne)
Using color A and ć double-pouited need e, cast on 4 stitches. and work in stockinette stitch foi 32" (8km).
8 nd off all stitches Seetion 1
Using cclor E and ihe circular rppdle and w tn the right side facirg, pick up ara knit 190 sl Ich es alnng one of the long sides of seetion 2.
Werk n garter stitch. using the follow ng color $equence;
Usinc colo' E.. knit 7 rows.
Charge to color E>. and <nrt 2 rows.
Change to coloi E, and kn.l 2 rows.
Change to color C, arc 2 rows.
Change :o color E, and knit') rows.
Change to cclor B, and knit 4 rows.
Change lo color E, and <ni_ 13 rows.
Change to co cr B, ond <nit 4 rows.
C idiige lo colrr Iand knit 2 rows.
Change to color C. and kni: 2 rows.
Chancp to color E. arc krit 2 rows
Charge to color D, and <nit 2 rows.
( hang? to color E. and kn t 7 'ows.
Bind off cli stitches.
94 shibor i knit.«»