S20C 409120813331

S20C 409120813331

the poet's shawl continucd


Level Inlermpćicte

Knitted Measurements

Befijre feiting Back length: 24" (6km)

Widch xrom wmg tn wina: 83“ (223.5crr)

Collsr width: 14" (35.5cn)

Collar depth: W (4.5cm)


8ac'< lengch: 25" (64 cm.)

VVi(łth frorr wing to winy:' 04" (' 63 cm)

Coliarwidt.i: 27 ' (56 cm)

Collar depta: 2W (6 cm)


Fellini fiber

3 s<f irs ot A chcmy Yarns Haiki., 60% mohair, 40% sik, 'A oz <25g), 325 ycs (29/m), 42m silyer (vair A), fine

Nonfdting jlher

3 skeins cf Alcheiny varrii Cagoda, 1CC% s.lk boude, 1 'Moz (4Qg), 183 yds (16?m). 42m silver (yam 8), medium

24" (60cm) circular needlc in size U5! (4.5mm) or size needed to obtain gauoe A set o-' double-po nted needles in size JS 5 !3.75mm)

Stitch morkers

A hoc k-ar ci-eye ncck closure Sewing neecle ar:n rhread Tapestry need e


24 stitches and 3/ rows = 4" (1 Gen) in stockinette stitch using yam B and the circular needle


Tlie mirę red back .s rr.ade firsl, !hen the "wings" are piued up and knit in a Ir angle forn cn cither s:ce. As a result, therc ars rc seerns to join.

Be careful to fullow stranding irstrjcticns when using yarn A (yam 8 is worked single stranderi threughout).

When using morę tneri 1 yam ir a row, make su e lo twist yarr.s behind work ro avoid holes.

Using 2 Brands o: yam A held togelher and tne circular needle, casr on 300 stitches.

Dlac? 2 stiten narkers on the needle, one on eitoer side of the cenie* 6 stitenes.

Row 1 Knit to Ihe last 2 stitches bemre the marker. ss.<, slio marker (sl r). kG. sl n, k2tog, kn.t tr. the end.

Raw 2 Kn t.

Repeot these 2 raws [wice morę. t hangę to yam 3, ara lepeat these 2 rows twice mor®.

Chonpe ta one strand ot yam A.

Contrasting panel rows

Row 1 Knit to the last 2 stitches before the maike-. ssk, drop yarn A, sl m, join yam 3. kG. sl rr, ‘cir a secnnd bal of yam A, k2lcy, krir co che erd.

Row 2 With yam A, pud to the marker, sl nr, .isirg yarr B, ko. sl rn. using yarn A, per. to Jie end.

Repeat these 2 rows unril ihe piece mccsures 6" (1 S.25cm)

Change o yarn B

V detail rows

Row 1 Krit to che las 7 scicches betcrc the marker, ssk, sl m, k6, sl m, k2tng, knit to the end.

Row 2 Knit.

Repea: these 2 rows 4 morę times.






78 shibori kuits


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