32746 S20C 409120813142

32746 S20C 409120813142

The Poet's Shaw! (page 76) showcoses the harmony Df shibori, artfuly balancing feiting and nonfelting fibers.

lighter, morc subtle and ethereal than wliat is typirally associ-aled with felted knitting.

Lifetimes may be spcnl iu exploration of shibori, with gcn-erations of knowiedge sacredly passed down in families and at-ioss rultures. Wiln a II respect to such artislry, I offer the resulls of my knitting advenlure—tłiis curions interseclion of shibori and knitting—and hope to inspiic you to discovpr the exquisite art of fplted shibori knitting.

Underslundtug Fiber for Shibori Knitting

The pallcrns in this book will gencrally list two types of fiber; feiting and mmjeltmg. If you choosp to substitule fibers other than what is recommcuded, there are imporlant faetors to keep in mind. Please /ind adequate substitutes for both lypes of fibers, feiting and nonfelting. Some pallcrns will de ta ii ordy one fiber, usually a feiting fiber. To substitute successfully and to arhieve the bcsl resulLs, please pay elose attention to two fac-tors: itam weight and yarn eonient.

Yarn weight

Re surę to follow the recommended yarn weight for each piece, whicli is detailed under niaicńah for each pattern. I£ the pattern calls for a spcdfic weight fiber, please make every effort to sub-slilute that weight fiber. Should you choose to usc a different weight, you wili have to make the gauge calculations neressary for that substitution.

wlwtluetioK 13


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