68821 S20C 409120813221

68821 S20C 409120813221

koi bag co ni i nu ai

Level Exp=?riprrecl

Knitted measurements

Befure felting Lergth: 29“ (74cm)

Height ci the lalipst po nt: 15" (33cm)

Taił w.cth: 11" (28cm)

After fciting I pngth: 22* (56ct)

Heiqht at ll e tallest point: 10'A“ (26.5cit) lail widtT 9‘ (23c.r)



S skeins of Alchemy varns Sanduary, /()% merino, 30% silk, VA oz (SOg). 125 yds (114m), 45c koi pond (color A), ® iight

1 ske n eacłi of Alchemy Yarns Sarctta*y, 70% merino, 30% silk, PU cz !50q}, 125 yds (114m), 5f Persimnron (color B) and /1 f Rich Berry (color 0, liyht


l skein Alchemy Yans Banboc, 100% bamboo, 1JA oz {50g}. 133 yds (126*n), 2Sc Aubergine (color D), liyłil

Krittfig needles ir s ze US 6 (4mn) or size ieeded to cbtoin qauge

Stitch lioidei

ó-) rojnd 5mm bcads n tuquoise; 1h cylindrical bcads, ćpofoximalaly lOmm long in red; and 16 rourid beads, 16 mn in coo^dhating colors

Large bulion for the certer of tho cyc (approxirrately %", 1 Snrr.J in diameter)

Beading neccic orc thread

Sewing need.p and inv srble thread (beading liread works we II)

4 snaps (showr) or a 12' (30rm) zipper (or ether cicsuie foi the top of the bag)

Daming need e

Tapcstry reedle


24 slitches and 23 rows = 4’ (10cm) in slockmett? stitch jsirc coicr A before fprng


l r.sed a N'oving Mud land-blown ylass hut:on 'or the certcr of the eye and mund oeads and cylindrica beads (availahle from many craft or bead Stores) or tie einbell shment of the cyc and ńe fins. I used a series of 16 largcr hand uai neri heads clone the hand.e to sirrulsle :\w hnbbles from the łish s mouth.

Short rows are woiked in order tc create the il ision of a movi:ig fish. Ine w rap and turn is the key lo working st.ccessńjf short rows.

Tie embroidery. eye pancls, beading, liandle. and dosure a*e worked after felting.

You ccn substitule errhroidery floss or any ether conlrdsiing fioer ror the bamooo fibei (color l)J. Only a ‘ew yards o~ coicis B and ( are needec. Yo j can substitute ar y yoori felting fiber tor these co cis

Special Technique

W rap and Tum

Brino the yarn to the back of work. siip ' stitch purlwise fion the lp-‘Mand rcedlc to the righl-iand need e, brirg the yarn to the fronl, s ip _he wrappec stitch back ;o the lefl-hanri needie agah, urn tie work around, brirg the yam in pos t en fo tne :iext stitch, and werk to the er a of tf e row.


Ttiil Fin Part I

*U$irg cola.'A, :ast on 2 stitdies and work 2 'ows in stockinette slilcł*.

Next 6 rows

Row 1 (Right Side) K"b cwice—4 s.i.ches.

Row 2 Purl.

Rdw 3 KI, kfb, <tb, ki 6 5t tches Row 4 Fu l.

Raw 5 KI. <ft, krit to the las. 2 s;i:ches, kfb. ki—8 st.tches.

Row 6 Puil.

tepeat tne ast 2 rows tntil you have 22 stitches, c-nding or a wony-side row * Next 4 rows

Row 1 (Right Side) Knil .o the last 2 stitcies. <fb, k1—23 sl Ichss.

Row 2 Purl

Row 3 <1, kfb, knit to the last) stitches. <tb, k1 25 stitcies.

Row 4 Purl.

Repeat the iast 4 rows cnce norę—28 stitcies.

Work ii’ stoc<inette st tch until tie jiece rneas jres 6" (15.25cm).

Cuttheyarn, and oacecli stirrhes on a holdcr.

38 $}iiberi knit*;


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