ska Hat cuntinned
Level ntermed:atc
Knitted Measurements
Before felting
Top o: crown: 6" x 61/;" (15cm x IG.Scm)
H(-igh:67i" (1G.5c,r)
Circunference dl fhp base: 2An (61 cm)
( ramference ct the widest parł of the brin: 28" (71crr)
Brlm depth Tom ‘he garter ricges: 472" (11.5c n)
Hat banc: 3" x 27" (7.5cir x 68.5cm)
Aftcr felting
lop of C'own: 4V$" x 6“ (1 - .Sun x 15em)
-echt; 5" (12.bcm)
C ramference ct the base: 22" (Sfcm)
Circumfeiencp at ne wicesc part ot the brm: 27" (68.5cm)
Brin cepth tron* the garte* r.dges: 31 (7.5cn)
Hat bard: Vh" x 241 (6.5cm x 6: cm)
f-eltitift flber
3 skcins cf Alcneny Yarrs Sanrtuary, 73% merino, 30% sik. 1 % o/ (SCg). 125 yds (1 14t), 02w Moonslo.oe kolor A). light
1 skein of Aichery Yarns Sonctuary, 70% menno, 30% silk, 1% oz (50g;, 125 yds (114m),12v; Ocean Floor fcolor B), light
1 skein of Alchemy Yams Dcgoda, 100% silk boncie. 1% oz (35 5o), 183 yds (167n), 42ti Silvc- (cclor C). 03y medium
16' (40cm) ci*ular neecle in size JS G (4mm) or size needer to obtain gauac. Stitch markers Tapestiy rieedle
Sewing neoclc crd thieac to maleli color B Gauge
20 stitches and 7*1 rows = 4 {10crr) in gorter $t tch before fp t rg 24 stitches arc 28 rows = 4" (10cm) ir Ska Dianrond pat:cn (see chan)
The hat is knit frorr the tco down.
Markers will be yocr best fhends cn this oatterr. Usc them for placener.t of the riqht wisi a:id for Ihp graliated circumterence r tl e design.
Special Stitch
Rigr twist—knit the second stitch on the ie'l-hand nped e without cropping t off, rher krit the first stitch cn the left-hand neprile, then crop oo:h stitches cff.
CROWN color A, casl or 14 stitches. and knit 2 rows.
Next 2 rows
Row 1 (Right Side) K'. kfb, knit to the last 2 stitches, kfb, k1.
Row 2 Knit.
Repeat tliese 2 mws irt.l ycu have 30 stitches Werk evenly in co ter stitch for 36 rows Next 2 tdws
Row 1 (Right Side) <1, ssk, krit to -he last 3 stitches, k2tcg. ki.
Row 2 Knit
Repea: tnese 2 rows uritil yoi. have 14 stitches lett.
Place a markę' cn the needle (pl m), pick tp end kn t 32 stitches down the nearesl side o' ihp piece, c ace arethor marker or the needle, pick up and krit 14 stitnes a cross the cas:-or edcc, place onother marker on the needle, o :k uj and kn t 37 stitches up the noct side of the piece, place another narker or the needlp (‘his narker should be in a d ffererl color nr design ta denotc the beginning o: the roind.)— 92 stitches and 4 mcr<rs placec.
Join to wor.< ir the round by <ni~ting the 1s: stitch or the left-hćiid needle. and krit 1 round.
Next 6 rounds
Rounds 1-5 *Kr il to "he next rrarker. slip marker (sl m). right -wist. kn t tc 2 stitches before ll e next marker, right twist, sl nr; 'epeat Torii * once morę
Round 6 *Ktb, knit to the last sti.cii beor? the marker, kfb, sl m, rght twist, <ni: to 2 stitches before the nex. marker, right twist, sl m; repeat from * once rrc-e.
Repeat tliese 6 rounds untii you havc 120 stitches.
Remove ali the markers, exceal Ifie one that cenotes the beginning of the round.
Work in garter stitch for 4 rojnds (<nit 1 round, tłien p.irl 1 roind.)
70 shibori knits