S20C 409120813223

S20C 409120813223

koi bag conłinued

Repeat these 6 rows until you have 5B stitches. ercinc on a r ęht-sido row. Next 6 rows

Rows 1-5 Work in stnck npłfp stitch.

Row 6 KI, kfb, kni: to the las: 2 stitches, kfb, ki.

Repeac these 6 ows until you liave 7/ stitches, ending on a rjght-side row. Wor< ?ven in stocKinette stitco tor 10 rc-ws.

Next 2 rows (short rows)

Row 1 (Wrong Side) P21, wicp arc turo.

Row 2 Knit.

Repeat these 2 rows 7 moro times, purling 2 morę stitches befote the wrap and tum each tire. Cn the last repeat, vou will pui 35 stitches before .lie wrap and tum.


Next 2 rows

Row 1 (Wrong Sido) Purl.

Row 2 KI, ssk, knr to the last 3 stitches, k2tog, <1

Repeat these 2 *ows unti you have 24 stitches lef:, then uurl 1 row.

Next 2 rows

Next row (Right Side) Bind off 12 stitches, kril to :lie en:.

Next row Bind of:*he remain ng 12 stitches.


Tui! Fin

Work the same as Fron: taił t;n tc ** (throjgh joining fin), den purl one row. Next 2 rows (short rows)

Row 1 (Right Side) K29, wrap and tum.

Row 2 Por.

Repeat these 2 'ows 6 moro times, knitting 1 morę su.ch beore de wrap and tom eacn time. On the los: 'epeot. you will knit 35 stitches before the wrap and turn.

Next 2 rows

Row 1 (Wrong Side) KI, ssk, kr it to the lasl 3 y.itaes, k2rog, k'

Row 2 Purl.

Repeat these 2 rews until you have 40 slildies left, tłien krit 1 row.

Next 5 rows

Rows 1 and 2 Bind o^f 3 sttches, then work :o end—-I-I stitches.

Rows 3 and 4 Bind o*f 2 stitenes, tnen work to end -30 stitches.

40 shibori knits

Row 5 3url.


Next 2 rows (short rows)

Row 1 (Right Side) KI, kfb, k'.9, wrap and turn.

Row 2 Pur1.

Repeat these 2 'ows 7 rrcrc times, krittng 2 morę stitches be:oie the wrap arc tern each tinc. On the last repeat, you will knit 35 stitches before the wrap arc tum.

Knit 1 rew

Next 6 rows

Row 1 (Wrong Side) Ptr.

Row 2 KI. kfb, knit to the end.

Row 3 3url.

Row4 Kkfb, k lit to the e id.

Row 5 Purl.

Row 6 K1, kfb, knit to the Icsl 2 slild es, kfb, k1.

Next 6 rows

Rows 1-5 Work in stock re.le stitch.

Row 6 KI, k'b. knit to the ast 2 stitches, kfb, k1.

Repeat these 6 rows unli! ycj have H stitches, ending or a right-side row. Werk even ir s:ock.inette stitch fer 9 rows.

Next 2 rows (short rows)

Row 1 (Right Side) K21. wrap and tum.

Row 2 °url.

Repeat these 2 rows 7 morę tines, knirting 2 morę stitches before the wrap and turn each tirre. Cn the last repeat, you will krit 35 stitches befoie llie wrap and turr.

Head Knit 1 i ow.

Next 2 rows

Row 1 (Wrong Side) Purl.

Row 2 KI, ssk, cni: to the ast 3 stitches, k2toq, ki.

Rcpeal these > rows unti you baw 24 stitches left, then pjrl 1 row.

Next 2 rows

Next row (Right SideJBind o’f 12 st tches. knit tc the end.

Next row Bind of: the remaining ' 2 stitches.


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