30088 S20C 409120813192

30088 S20C 409120813192

wood grain scarf

Pnse.d on o classic Japanese łechnique knowti as mokume, the Wood Grain Scarf is an exercise in shiboti pcrfcction.

Knit in a simple mcditałive slockinelle slilch icith a garler slilch border. magie happens zoiłh basie gathering pieuts Ihal tire sezon into thefmisheu knit prior to fdtinp.

The mmnory of tkeple.ats remains in the scarf ufter it iuis hem fdt.e.d and the pfeating shtches have bcen removed. Wint resuitę is an organie and wondcrfully oihrmt fahric. that is rewinisce.nl of natura! wood, and ts simuJtaneously urban and edgy.

w r ren der to shiberi 2'J


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