S20C 409120813431

S20C 409120813431

fortunę cookie scarf cantinued

felting ł ber (whicn wil shiink włun pi t in the washing machinę). Finally, a ruffle of nonfclting ‘ibei is worked un lh? finał rounds of thc feltec embellishmenl.

Smaller Side

Wtn kn t:ing neecle ard color A, rast on 99 sttches.

Next row (Wrong Side) Knit.

Setup row (3$) K49, place marker, k1. plac? mar<c-r. k49.

Next raw and all wrong-side rows Krit.

Next row (Decrease Raw) Knit to 2 stitches broro marker, ssk, sl m, <1, sl m, k2tog, knit tc end.

Kepeat the last :wo rows undl Al stitches ren a n. ird off a I sttches Left Wing

W tn kiitdng neeclc, right side racing, color A, and startrg at the tep left corner O' the mitered piece, pick up and knit 22 slilthes alorg the left side ot thc rriterec piece (sec diagram).

Next row (Wrong Side) Krit.

Next row (Decrease Row) K', ss<, kn l to erh of row.

Work ir yarter srch (knit every row), decrcasirc 1 stitch eveiy 4th raw as n the Decrease Row, until 3 stitenes 'emain. K3tcg. Fasten off.

Right yjitig

Us.ng the top widlh of th? Left Wing as 3 guide, meosure the same dislanre from the :op riylil corner of the rriterec piece along the ight side arc plac? a


Wilh knitting reedle. right side facinc, color A, and woi<ing from llie marker to th? top rignt corner. pick uo and knit 22 stitches along the r gfil side of thp mirered piece (see diagr3T)

Ncxt row (Wrong Side) .< nt 1 row.

Next row (Decrease Row) Knit until 3 sttches remai i. k2log, k1.

Work in garter stitch, decreasir g 1 sttch every 4:h row as in thc Decrease Row, until 3 stitcies remain. K3loc. :asł?n o^f.

/ nrger Side

With krittng needle and color (, ras: on 125 stitches.

Next row (Wrong Side) Krit.

Setup row (Right Side) K62, place marker, k1, place marke: k62.

Next row and all wrong-side rows Knit

Next row (decrease) Knit to 2 st tches before mar<cr, $$k, sl m, k1, sl iii, k2tog, k Lu end.

Repe3: the last two rows until 59 stitches remain llind eff all stitches.

Left Wing

With kritt rg needle, right side fauny, color A and starting at the top lott corner ot the mitered piece, pick up and knit 30 stitches along t.ne ei side cf p ece (see diagram).

Next row (Wrong Side) Knit.

Next row (Right Side) KI, ssk, k.oil to end r.f row.

Woik in garter stitch, decreasing 1 stitch cvery 4th row as describec, until 3 stitches remain KJtog. Fasten eff


shihori knit$

Spw to Left Winy of Smaller Side

Larger Side

Sewtc Right Winę of Larger Side

Smaller Side


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