84962 S20C 409120813202

84962 S20C 409120813202

winę lover's scarf

Winę 1$ a wny aflife in Northern Caiifornia

/ driitc through uineyards in my neighborhood daily and marve\ al the be nuty the glnrious grupę brings to the Itmdscape. Whefher it be the dynamie colom of"cru$h" in the fali hawest or the stunning gree.n geometrie pal tenis the vitie makes in certy spring, the bounli/ of the grapę i$ sensarioml cdi year long.

Perhaps in hsrpe ofmmtmheńng the umie

OK morę specificatly. the experwnce ussodated wilk sharing a Umeiy hottle of wino—1 save corks.

W hen thinking ahout >vi interesting re&ist thal wouhi bring a curious dimension to shibori, f remembered Ihc burgeoning bag of corks gathemd in my kitchen. The bar rei shape of the cork makes for n fascinaling shapc in the felted fabric.

And sińce shibori is “memory infiber," ii s u sHtisfying cxperience io incorporrde the winę e.xptr icnce inio the knilling process!

The center secłtnn of the scarf is pleided bejom felting for n sntisfifing tcxtiine to rent comfortably against the bach of the neck.

furrender to shiberi 33


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