Dynamie niowment is one of Ihe many qualities sinbori
Level Inter mediate
tcchuicfues imparł to knitwear. Thin layers uf silk knit fabric i nr brautifn! when put łhrough the felting prncess. The fiber itseifdoes not jcll, but ii does iransform— especially in the zoay cuch stitch rdaxes whilc in ihe washing machinę.
Ihe etui resuil is a gannent ofrxquis.ite. drape, which is tranbiucent and imique.
Two simple pieccs ofdiffeve.nl sizes arc knit, and then sezon iogether in ihis happy design. Loose, fłowing layers ofsilk ooe.ńap in rwo different colors and arc highlighted iuith afdted mohair a c cent in a compic men tary contr, upon which rests n delightfiit silk crochclcd ru fie in a fourth color. The scarf may be zoom in a number of exc.ithig zoays, each oj which forecasts a
brighl futurę!
114 sinbari kni*.?
SitwHcr Sidc
Eack lergth: 28 1 (7 lerr)
Width from tio tc tip: 40" (102cm)
Larger Side
Bac:< e.ngth: 38" <S7cn)
Widii*, frorr tip to t p: 46" (117cmj
Approxima:e width from tio tc tip, willi bol i p ere$ sewn together: 54"
(138 cm)
Smaller Side
Back length: 18" (46cm)
Width from tip to tip: 35" (89cm)
Larger Siue
Back ipngth 24“ (51 cm)
Width from tip to tio:42" (10/cm)
Nunfeltmg fibr.r
1 skein each of Alchemy Ya ns Silken Straw, 100% silk. 1 02 <40g), 236 yds (216m), in 13a Raspberry Ci js:i (color A) and 06f Poppy (color B); arc 2 skeins in sanc *ibcr of 46f Blood Orargs (color (), fine
Felling fiher
1 skein 0‘ Alchemy Yarns Ha ku, 60% moha r, 40% si k. % oz (25c), 325 ycs (114m), 38a Foxglove (co or D), ®| fine
24" cirailar ne?dle ir s ze LS 10% (6.5mm) cr size neened to ofctain gauge Crochct hcoK size D-3 (3.25nrm) lanestry neecle
12 stitches and 16 rows = 4" (I0cm) h stockinettc stitch j$irę two stand* of SilKcn Straw lield iogether hefore felting
Two mitered pieces of sligotly drferent sizes cre knit n a nonfelting. doibie-stranded fiber in $ mplc garter stitch. The pieces a;e worked separately, tnen sewn togethe*. Tne Iror.t edges cf Loe joined pieces, thp niters of each piece, and tne place wkere the two pieces a e sewn iogether ar? all embeliished with a