The Shibori Fez represents one of myfirsl Irue success stones in thepractice nf shibori knitting and ha$ become a personal favoritc.
1 had preuiously written n simifar slipped stitch paltem iu a silk pillow design and was eager to emploi/ the sił u ple u et ejfectroe motifagain.
The slipped stitch is assigned to thefelttng yam in a semi-soM color (ufa medium io dark valuc), while the lit tle window shapes are kniL in Ihe non fe! ling fiber in a rich mniegated handpaint (usually of a lighter vahie). The fez is worked in the routtd.
The nulami tendencie s ofthe two mrieties of fiber synthesize bcauiifully in this piece— form truły foilows funclion! The woven slipped stitch pat tern is eusy io rnemorize, and ordy one yam is zoorked at a tinie, making this a greal lakę along knit or a pcrfeci companion while wutćhing a movie. Because i have btit the fez many limes, 1 can readily allcst to Ute versatilihj of worki ng in practkully tmy coriceivable combinatlon of color—-just make surę one color is perceptibly darker than the other. If the fez sils a lit tle lali for your persona! prefemice, just skip the lasl chart repeat, and youllget a suhtler toyue-style hal.
bhibori creatimty