shibori creatiińty
Włiile Chapter 1 focuses on simple resist felting, Chapter 2 introduces a wholc ncw mclhod of słoibori crcalivity.
The collected patterns incorporate techniąues normally not assodated withfcllcd knilling, such as slippcd slitchcs and Fair Isle. The focus of fhis chapter is on a sophisticated interplay of color and lcxturc, along willa llac cxpJoration of a rango of moods frorn whimsical and flirtatious to contem-plativc and hcroic. This cxpansive combination of qualilics bequeaths a spirit of unbridled creative freedom in these knit dcsigns. Again. thc majorily of Ihc projccts arc low-yardage and low-risk, which serces to build your confi-dcncc as you go dcepcr inlo llac cxploralion of the foscinat-ing opportunities that shibori knitting provides.
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Metaphorically, this chapter is about celebra ting diversity and richness, and tląc tlorill in watching lifcs advcnlurc unfold. It's about taking action, making changes, and be-ing courageous. It's also about anolhcr kind of letling go. Many of us have grown up hearing the old adage, " Leap and thc net will appcar," as a way to cxprcss faith and hopefulness. T prefer a revision of that statement: "Leap, Ihcn lcap again."
The longcr I live, the morę I realize that it's not about wait-ing for thc net to appcar. 1 beliove that real transformation happens w hen we don't get attached to the outcome (the net appearing); rather, the opporlunily for chnngc, gro w tla, and challenge oomes in the act of leaping.
Focusing primarily on accessories, the projeefs presented in Shibori Crealivily reflccl an cxciling cclcbralion of thc many on pypećted thrills that shibori knitting o bers. C lassie lair Isle and intaisia knitting allows for harmonio us blending of felting and non/eiting fibers. included in the projects Scarf de Triumphe (page 60), the Op Art Belt (page 64), and the Ska 1 lat (page 68). The Shibori l-'ez (page 72) adds daring new heiglit to the simple slipped stitch technique, creating a finished fabric nnlike any other.
May this chapter tncite you to bring dranoatic color and iimnense beauty into your everyday life. May you learn to Jeap, and leap again. And may all the textures and lich terrain of your life be steeped in creativity, satisfaction, and wonderment.
4A shibori ktiifs