10211 S20C 409120813290

10211 S20C 409120813290

scarf de triumphe

The deeper I dig into tka realni ofknit shibori, ihe morc jnscinated I be.come by the opporliinily to create rcally unique fbmhed fabric. Gar ter stiich, obali ample Ihlngs, takes my breath awuy whenfelled-particularhj in the menno/silk blend shoum in this piece. Soi net} ling about Ihis lex turę remi mis me of corrugated curdboardcerlainiy, not theway Ifeel about eardboard as im udali, but zoith the lone. rcspr.ct, and beautiful renr.rena: I hmifor ihe materiał as n kia., when u big ewpty box prinńdtd unicid excitemeni and opportunity for imagiualive cxploraiion.

Scarf de Triumphe preseuts a speetacular knit ezper lence. The gar ter sti ich does i ta beaulifui and nncomplicated Ihing while a simple. intarsia lechnicjue brings u iiniopic dimension ro the werk. Combiniug felting and rumfeliing fiber in au easy-to-memorize circle motifmukes Ihe piece a relaring knit.

The Jclted fabric that resulta i a same Ihing unlike any utherknil garment / hnve experieneed. The nonfelUng fiber windowe are like lii tle canfeaaiomls; lighł fil ters thnnigh the shibori fabric, and soniething truły origmal and spccial happens in the blend ing ofsubtle co for and deeply satisfying texture.


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