S20C 409120813432

S20C 409120813432

Right Wing

Using the Lop width cf thc .cft Winę as a guide, measure l le same distcnce from the top right corner of tho rritereć piece along the right sicie cnd place a marker. With krilling needle, “ightscełacng, coorA, and worcing fron thc marker to ne top 'ight corner, pick up and knit 3C stitches a ung the rig.i: sidc ot mitered piece (see diagram).

Next row (Wrong Si de) Knit 1 row.

Next row (Right Side) Knit until 3 sttches rera r, <2ton, k1.

Work n gaiter stitch, decreasing 1 stitch every 4th row as deser ted, until 3 stitches emain. KStag. Faster off.

Sew Sides Together

_ay the two pieces on a M surface. P aco the left side wing af srnaller piece nex: to the right sicp wing o' aiger piece Pin pieces together from coinei wńere wirgs start to 4" (lOcm) toward the centers ot che two mitered pieces. Sew :his sectcn with a tapest'y needle and nonfelting f bar. This seam is mpant to fali on the snouldcr.

Notę: Tne aottoiu edges ot thc 2 pieces shoulc NCT alicn (hey are r cantto bp cifferent lenqths). The enes of both pieces will be loose, not sown together, which a lows for ov?rlapping ot the two pieces, parlicularly after tclting

Center Front and Neck adging

With knittiry needle, ricp: side f3circ. and color U, begr at the tip ot the Right Wing on tne srnaller m tered piece and pic< up and kn l approx.matoły 110 stitenes arounc ef tire frort opening (the outer wnys and Ij.ng top edges o* :he two riterec pieces, now joined togothe*).

Woik 2 rows in garter stitch. Bind eff all stitches.

W th wrong side facing, erach et hook, and color B, work 1 row of siną e crochct in bounc off stitches.

Next row "urn cnd work 2 single crochets in each sinqle crochet o; prev ous row.

Next row Tum arc work 3 siny e crochets in eacn single crochp: af previoLs row.

Fasien off.

Shuuhler Edging

With <nitting needle, licht side tacing, and color D, beyin at the tip 0’the large' side s Rigr Winy =ind pick up and knit apprcximatelv 44 stitcies (enclnc at the shojlder seam). Work 2 rows in garter stitch. Bind nff dli slitches.

With crochet nook, wrong side facing and cclor B. work 1 row of single crochet in bound-ott stitches.

Next row Tum and wor< 2 s:ng e crochets in each single c ocnet of previous row

Next row Tum and work 3 sircle crochets in each single crochet of prewous iow. Fasten of:.

W tn kn tting reedle, ight side facing, and color D, begin at the lop af the shoulde' seam ano pick up ano knit apprcximataly -12 stitches (endhg at t p of tne smaller sioe s l ei Wing). Work 2 rews in garter stitch. Birri off a I sltches.

Witt- c.oc iet hook, wrong sioe facing. and color B, work 1 row ot single crochet.

Next rowTjrn and werk 2 single erachcts in each sng e crochet of prcvious row.

Next row Tum and work 3 single crochets in pac li single crochet of previous row. Faslen aff.

Mitcr Deiai!

With crochet f oak, right side facing, arc colo' I), work one row of sing c crochet alang tne miler (center linę; ot sra ler piece, beginning cl the point and working totne lop (neck)edgc.

"urn ar.d work 1 single cmebel in each single crochet of previous row.

Next row: Tum, cnangc to co.or B, and wc'k 2 single crochets n cach single crochet of previous row.

Next row: Turn arc work 3 single eociets ;.n cacn single crochet o; prerious row. Fasten o f.

Repeat for miler Jetdil on laręcr pece.


Wećve in cli tne loose ends. carhincj crown at least 3" (7.3 cm) o; each end to ensure a tight nold durng th? feltiny pmcess (Remenbcr: only th? obi is fplted).


Please refe'to tne gjidelires far washing machinęfulting on aage 11R Clieck the felting process every 5 minutes.

A Iow the scarf :o air ery gerl.y and slowly.

Iron for blocking cnd softening o~fiber, always ironing on tne wrong sirip of the work.

>ublie shihari 117


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