For a handcd toe, thc dccrcascs are worked ar rhe cml of rhe tirst and thłrd needles and at thc bcginning of the second and tourth needles:
On thc first and third needles, Work to wirhin 5 stitches front rhe end. then knit 2 stitchcs togcthcr and knit thc lasr stitch. On the second and Iburth needles, knit 1 stitch, slip thc ne\r stitch knitwisc, knit the third stitch, and pass the slipped stitch over the third stitch.
In order to make rhe rounded pan as attractńe as possible, evcnly tćduce the numbcr of rows: Work thc decreases, as described. Ix in rhe fourth round, thcn 2x in cvery third round. ?x in every second round and thcn in cvery round. Puli thc last 8 stitchcs rogether with the worktng yarn or place thc stitchcs front thc top onto rhe ku tom stitchcs and sew them togcthcr using grafting stitch.
For childrens socks. it is usually cnotigh ił hctwccn dccrcascs, 2 rounds using all thc stitchcs arc worked lx and 1 round 2x to Ax. Then decrease in every round.
A banded toe is the most aitractive Finish.
Just as with neckbands, ribbing for gloves, mittens. or socks can be started by casting on tn kitc hener iib (page 22). You tan either start with a chain of crocbct stitchcs in a contrasting yarn. or you can start with the yarn you are going to ust*.
Using the actual yarn. you cast on the rcquire<! numlier of stiicbeson 1 needle. Herc. don t use a smaller needle size; other-wisc. lite ribbing edge becomes too figlu. In the first row. the stitchcs are then di\ ided up among the t needles. Alternately knit 1 stitch and slip the next stitch purlwise. Each time you have worked one-fourth ot the stitchcs. stan a new needle.
Now work in rounds In the first round. all the knit stitchcs are slipped purlwise. all the purl stitches are purlcd. In the second round. the knit stitches are knit and the purl stitches are slip|xd.
Then repeat the lirst round once morę. Now continue in the ribbing patiem.
If you start with a row of crochcted chain stitches in a different color, you already divide the stitches up among the i needles in the first row: Alternately knit 1 stitch out of the horizonta! back pan of a chain stitch. and work 1 yarn ocer. Then continue with the actual yarn.