Instructions for Entrclac paltem:
The indriidunl areas of color are worked in Mockinctte stitch over 10 stitches, nnJ ihe selvedge sritches are ako worked in evory row. The stitches lor che indmdual panem piece* are always picked up lnom the <uitei part ofThe >clvcdge stitches ot evcry sccond row.
Row i i> worked front right to leń. Then altcmatcly repeat Row 2 front leń to right. and Row 3 from right to leń.
Fintsh the work widt triangles. If you end rhe work ańer a sccond nw, the Lim row of triangles will be worked from right to leń; sec Row 4. It rhe desired length rcquire> you to ftnish the work after a chirJ row, rhe last row is worked front leń to right, and an addittonal smali triangle has to be worked at the k*ginning and end of the row . see Row 3. I he patiem can lv worked on normal knitting necdles, but circular needles are betrer.
For the (irst triangle, cast on 2 st, p 1 row, k 1 row, p 1 row. In Row 4 (RS), and then in every second row, at the leń edge, before the selv st, always inc 1 st k twisted from the horizontal thread, until there are 10 st on the needle. Now don't turn the work. Stop working on the first triangle and cast on 2 st for the second triangle by knitting them on. Then continue working as described. Work all the othor triangles the same way.
Row 2, first edge triangle
The second row of pattern pieces starts in a row on the wrong side of the work with a triangle; p the last 2 st of the last triangle, turn | = tl - ki, inerease 1 st (k twisted out of the horizontal thrcadl, selv st, t p2, p the third stitch tog with the next st of tho triangle (*- p tog), t k2, inc 1, selv st, t - p3, p the fourth stitch tog with a st of the triangle, etc., until all the triangle stitches have been used. By working tho inereases, you have 10 stitches on the needle again.
Row 2, square
Now don't turn. rathor work 10 st out of the side edge of the next triangle. going through the selv st from back to front and bringing the st through to the back. Or turn the work and puli the st through to tho front with a crochet hook and pul them onto the knitting needle. * l -kio. t - p9, p the last st tog with the 1st st of the triangle. rep from * until all st of the triangle have been used. Work all the other rectangles the same way.