The rich beauły of your countryside has been łhe subjecł of counłless films and illu-strated maga zirte arii des. Buł łhere i s no-łhing fo compare with seeing łhese beauły społs for yourself — on the spot. The KOMAR moped is łhe ideał means of getłing you łhere quickly, plea-sanłly and eco nornica Iły.
Parking problems simply don’ł exist when you łravel łhis modern way. Rain or shine, town or country, łhis słurdy liłłle runabout will get you łhere — and wiłh minimum of fuss. Of course ił will also conveniently łake you shopping, or on any ołher of łhe łhousand — and one differenł errands łhał crop up daily. The KOMAR moped is always readyand willing.