19480 Lednice Construction ins English

19480 Lednice Construction ins English

Building instructions

Lednice Chateau

Since the Middle ages the rich devclopment of the present ro-mantic building has been connected with the important house of Liechtenstein ho were using Lednice for representative pur-poses sińce I8th century. Theretore the appearance ol the chateau changed according to the actual dominant archilec-tural slyles.

Today's appearance of the Lednice chateau is the result of the reconstruction during 1846 1888 in the style of the English Gothic Revival. The author of the reconstruction waś Jiri Wingelmiiller. Prom the Baroque period of the chateau's history there comes the building of the riding hall from the end of the 17th century by architect J. B. Fischer of Filach.

The rooms open to public on the ground floor exccl with the richness of woodcarving. In 1995 the guided tour was aug-mented by a new part. It is the private apartment used by princess Francisca of Liechtenstein until her death in 1881: she was the widów after Alois II., prince of Liechtenstein, builder of the last romantic reconstruction of the chateau in the Gothic Rcvival style. On the eastern side. a greenliouse joins to ttie main building. constructed during 1843-1845 following the design by R H. Desvignes.

A perlect Iranie lor ttie chateau with ttie greenliouse is the ł-rench garden and a large park with riumerous romantic build-ings. Ttiey feature mainly the excellcnt minaret, a unigue archi-tectural monument by the design ol Josef Hardrnuth, built during 1797-1804.

Fhe Lednice chateau witti ttie garden and park is part of the protected Lednice-Valtice landscape area. declared a UNESCO monument in 1996.

Lednice Chateau. 691 44 Lednice na Morave Tel. +420 519 340 128 e-mail: lednice@pambr.cz

Before you begin to build the model, first study the instructions for work on paper models. The construction of the chateau reguires patience and athorough study of the instructions and auxiligry drawings. The construction is divided into several integratcd parts. It is possible to pasto the whole chateau onto a large piąte (plywood, cardhoard. carion...), or complote it on a fiat surfacc of atable etc.

Begin with the construction ot the baseplate ot the chateau according to drawing A. This complex is forrned by gluiruj parts /a through /d togethcr: after matting it with a sup-porting stieel cul the auxiliary holes. You will gradually pastę walls onto this base ano so form individual wings of the chateau. Cul out part 2. bend it and glue balcony 3 with the inserted floor 4 from inside. Attach the rear part of the lacade 5 and only then pastę the wali onto baseplate 1. Compose another wali 6 in a similar way, gluing entrance 7 Ir om inside, lacade 8, and then pastę this wali again onto baseplate 1 and wali 7. Compose box-shaped tower 9 and pastę onto baseplate / and wali 2. Pastę spire /O with the insert 11 onto the ceiling of ttie tower. Glue smali tunel 12 and attachment /J onto the iower. Form and compose the roof over this building from part 14. II is necessary to cul out apertures for chimneys 15 and glue the oriel Windows 16onto themarked places. Shnpe theIransient part //and glue alcove 75 to it. Carcfully fix this unit onto tower 9 and wali 6. Glue the shaped lerrace 19 to tower 9.

Compose another building according to drawing B. Walls of this building will be formed by connecting parts 20. 21 and 22. Pastę this unit from baseplate 1. Glue part 23 onto the side ol wali 22 and glue Ironlal 24 from wilhin. Close the unit with part 25. Compose the roof over this building. The roof consists ol par Is 26. 27. hoods 28 and connecting roof 29. Carcfully complote the building with this complex. Insert chimneys 30into the apertures in the rool and install oriel Windows 10 onto the marked places.

Drawing C features the composition of the front part of the chateau. Reinforce part 31 with partition 3?and attach part 33. Pastę piece 34 onto part 33 from inside. Form turret 35 ard pastę it onto 33. The cbapel entrance is formed by shaping and gluing of parts 36. 37. 38. and this compIex is inserted into wali 33. Place ribs 39 onto the side walls of

the chapel. Continue with wali 40. which will be connect with wali 41. 42. 43, 44. Gradually glue the walls carefu onto baseplate /. Pastę the passage complex onto part < it will be formed by composing part 45. insert gallery and interior part 47 into it. Pastę columns 48 onto t edges of the part 48. Glue alcoves 49 onto the sides ot t building, into the marked places. Close the central part the chateau with wali 50. Pastę frontals 51. 52 onto the re parts ot this wa I. and attach parts 53to the marked place Compose and glue the entrance 54. 55 and panel 56.

Completc the roof over the central building according drawing D. Basis ot the rool is panel 57; onto this pa prefcrably on a fiat surface. pastę the shaped roofs 58. and 60. Compose the main tower ol the chateau 61. or which columns 62and turret 63 will be pasted. Insert tł complex carcfully into the aperture in the roof. Then cai fully glue this finished roof step by step onto Ihe cent building of the chateau. Shape smali roofs 64, 65 and gl tan into marked places. Compose the IraiiSiliou 68, and pastę it onto the complcted roof and sides of t chapel. Glue Ihe barrels ul iowers 70 onto this compli tower roofs will be glued into theni The smallcr part bełorigs on Ihe leli side. the higyer on the right. Shape l roof of the chapel 73and insert it into the building. pa hoods 74. 75 a 76' onto ttie main rool. Glue chimneys / and oriels 78 and 16 into the apertures in the roofs. Insi columns 79 nlo the right side of the building 79 and insi also columns 80 according to the drawing. Attach t armex 81 the al-ium from parts 82, 83to Ihe central buil ing. Fix staircase 84 to those parts.

The rear building is composed according to drawing L. Insi the wali of the last bui'd ng 85 and glue roof 86 into it. A chimney 87 and Ihe turret consistiny ot parts 88 and Attach starcasc 90. Shape and glue in comp!ex 91 and lirrets 92, 93 and 94, 95 onto it. Glue these parts togetr with part 36. G ue alcovc 97onto wa I 85. Compose the tre wa l 98. 99 and insert gallery 100. The last piece is the t< race 101. which will get pasted onto the baseplate /.

This rriakes the chateau complete. It is possible to corripl ment the model with orass trimmings and bushes or tre used by railway modellers.


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