The English Division Digest

Updates from the English Division Student Government

English Division is launching a new collaboration with IFMSA - Poland

The International Federation of Medical Students’ Asso-ciations (IFMSA) is the oldest and biggest independent organization representing associations of medical students internationally. It currently maintains organizations from over 100 countries with over 1 000 000 students represented worldwide. IFMSA is recognized within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization and as well, it works with the World Medical Association.

We are very excited to announce that English Division students will soon be able to become part of this large group and will have many opportuni-ties to get involved in global health issues.

The work at IFMSA is divided between six major Stand-ing Committees that focus on specific aspects of health and medicine:

•    Medical Education (SCOME)

. Public Health (SCOPH)

•    Reproductive Health including AIDS (SCORA)

•    Research Exchange (SCORE)

•    Humań Rights & Peace (SCORP)

This wide scope of topics allows students to choose an area that interest them the most and creates an opportu-nity to develop leadership abilities and skills while helping people locally and globally.

As the new project is being introduced, we are putting our greatest efforts into raising awereness about IFMSA and its mission among medical students. At the moment we are recruiting people willing to take an active role in organizing different workshops and events. Thus, anyone who is inter-


International Federation of Medical Students' Associations

ested, should encourage their friends to cooperate and get in touch with us. Besides working for the local community and our study body, we are excited to see MUW students integrate with people from completely new circles. You can transform your duli evenings into joyful study sessions, workshops presenting innovative ways of learning and meaningful weekends that will improve your contact with different cultures and raise awareness about current health problems.

We would like to invite all students to our first meet-ing in March to find out morę about the organization, membership and international research exchange. You can access some information beforehand on our website www.warszawa.ifmsa.pl as it is gradually updated and trans-lated into English.

Medycyna Dydaktyka Wychowanie, Vol. XLVII, No. 1/2015 19


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