PI - Emperors pałace 6 volkshalle P2 - Imperial bank of Altdorf
5 - Mcrchantile area MAI - Werner Zmnmemein MA2 - Merchants guild
Dl - Rivermens gnild D2 - Dock watch office D3 - Street of a hundred taverns Morę dctails in the description
7 - University of Altdorf Ul - The University of Altdorf U2 - Uli von Tassenick school
of religious studies U3 - The Wizard and alcehmist guild + school of magical Ud - The halls of The league.
U5 - The Altdorf university Collegium
U6 - Tempie of Verena and the university Library
TS1 - Vagr Breughel
Memoriał playhouse TS2 - The Imperial Opera TS3 - Altdorf Conservatorium TS4 - Detlef and Genevieve’s TS5 - The Altdorf Spieler office CS1 - Ceheimnihsstrasse theatre 12 - The Mundsen Keep H - The college of Heraldry (the new building)