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Round 2: ’Ch 3. ak© 2 ac. »i si m nexi sc: repeal (fom • around. ©m w«h al at n fral ch.

Round 3: WorkO sc. 1 licie. 3 dc. 1 hdc. 1 ac)in eech ch-3 ao around. jon wth al al In firal ac. Faatenoff.

TooK and mafenatt • Ce© Ke 8 (1 5m: •Wn*nm3f*ra2*roe2mmld 24-gaja P&—S non-amli Sftrkrg ł*«r wre 45>OS (4i™» pr* OcanngRl nRgn crochac irread. smal amouri oi Wua novełty yam icrtiiecoid

Ftitlshed size

Ccl>.\cb pand - 5* 02.5cm) Kong >


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Altach me nprtayyem to me center of one and of the OraceM and werk durddeared lengih ta reeched. Furman, napal ai me other and. mefong we ihal bom cords aro icng enough lo W a Dow to tesłen the braceiei around me wral.

This łs a greal braceiei to make as a gift bocause It fastens with a simple cord, so the slzo Is adjustable. Choose dlfterent color combinations of yarn and wire to suit the person it rs for. Yóu couid afso make a matching choker by worfcing a longer centerpiece.

Skill łevel wermedate

ADbrenabons th—de® dc-dxM crocnr ta—«er ocu*t ew?t k aapapocheSi Sl—Slp SbtCfl so-apace

(Htwrk stóp © parantnaiat h ndcawo stecn


Wre crochet oage 39



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