When two or morę of the party are new bands, I recommend ‘that the first lesson in ringing changes on five be!Is should be the practice of the hanting-course. Until that can be \vei! and truły struck it is of little advantage to attempt anything else.

In hunting up and down, the rules that have been laid •down for four helis wsi! etjually apply to five, As, however, •on aceount of the additional ropę, it will be a little tnore diffi-■cult, 1 will here apply tiie explanation given by Shipway to five bells. I think it so explicit that there is no beginner who •can fa.il to derive be n elit from reading it.

s* We will again suppose the practitioner to ring the

treble; and she being on lead, he has the four bells behincl or

above him ; he should then stand in such a position as to take

all the betl-ropes fuli in his view, that, on going olf into changes,

he may see and puli after the one which pulled over him. He

will then pei*ceive one ropę belo w and tlire.e above him, counting

himself to he in the second’s place ; then, looking at the three

ropes, for the one which is pulhog over him, not regarding the

ropę that he bas passed. he will puli over that, counting to

himself that he is in the third’s place; he will then have two

ropes hetow him, and there will remain hut two co look after.

He will now move into fourth’s p ace, over the nearest of the

two, leaving one only ahove him ; when puliing over that, it being the last one, in ftfth‘s place, he is then behind, and the four ropes below him."


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