Accept the nuli |
fan 10 rejcct the |
hypothesis? |
nul |
Conduct a |
hypothesis? |
statistical test? |
Relect the nuli |
Create a |
hypothesis? |
confldence | | |
A p value?
A hypothesis tesi?
A one-taitcd test?
A population parametcr?
A probability dislribuiioii?
A samplc s!at«s!ic?
A staustfcal ficne«toation?
A statistical hypothesis?
A theocetical probability distnbution?
A two-iaitcd test?
An inferentia) statistical test?
Farfure to rejcct the nuli hypothesis?
Rejectlon cf the nuli
Sarnpliiiy error?
Standard error?
The altcrnatńe hypothesis?
The central limit theorem?
The differente betsseen a rcsearch and a statistical hypothesis?
The difference between dcscriptKe and mfcrential
The ftoal of statistical mference?
The lcvel of slyjnlficance?
The lotcie of statisticcd mference?
The nuli hypothesis?
Level: BejJInnlnjl/Intermedlałe