\thc boldcst most imaginativc styling innovation in a dccadc—che fibulom
raked-back rcar window! lt\ gaiły. cxcitingly new—and so very, vcry practical. too! Run your cyc along that glorious new linc—crisp, sharp. cagcr-to-go! Sec how che rhythmically seuiptured linc is emphasised by the glcaming bright metal body moulding. the linc of which sweeps up to mcct the uppermost tip of the bcamifully styled new tail-lamp asscmblw Noticc the all-round rcar visibility—total glass arca is no less than 2.229 scj.ins {14.381 tmaginc how childishly sunplc backing up is nudę by thosc practical uil-lamp tips which mark the rcar cxtremities of the car. Evcry feature ol the coinplctcly new Anglia de-łuxc is pcrfectly planned ... to make driving sheer joy'
a brcail] -
ts clcvcrly providcd by the new rear ventilator-window The volumc of vcntilation rcijmrcd is casily controlled b\ t !•.■.• i
.vmorafFTOK'a<*51o be nmreT^merproof.
Just chcck the advantago of the new rakcd-back rcar windowi . . .
1. Fuli width rcar vision without the distortions ofa wrap aruund window. 2. Va«ly inereased hcad-room for rcar seat riders. 3. Window stays elear of ram and dirt. 4. Trunk lid is largcr, opens widcrl The new tail-lamp asscmbly iucorporatcs rcrtcctors and rcar
stop-nnd-turn ligłrn. Fucl filier cap is most convcnicnt!y positioncd outside the trunk. at a point which docs not intcrrupc thosc so-sinoothly ftowing new Anglia dc-!uxc lines.