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back (Fig. 82). Exhaling fully, twist slowly all the way round to the right, changing ovcr the arms, and once again looldng into the mirror. Go on thus. twisting left inhaling, and right exhaling for six fuli breaths. Return to front. Then do another six breaths, but this time twist to right inhaling, to left cxhaling : twelve breaths in all.

Standing : Having done the above for a few days (or weeks, if you are very stout or stiff in the waist), you can do the movcmcnt standing as sliown in Figs. 83 and 84. The feet must be very wide apart, toes turned inwards, and knees kept straight (braccd back). This position, if maintained, will keep the hips still, and thus ensurc ithat the twisting is done in the waist cxclusively ! Carry on as above, twelvc breaths in all, six each way.

The RubBINgs

The proceduro is not quite the same now as during prelimmary movement. The trunk only moves during the inhalations. Whilst exhaling, it remains twistcd to alternate sides wliere the rubbing is performcd.

Take up starting position : Standing, with fect very wide apart, toes in, knees straight : your back to a mirror if handy. Arms hanging loosely at sides. Empty your lungs completely.

Whilst inhaling deeply. twist to the left in waist only, and bring arms to positions in Fig. 83. The left hand with palm outwards (as right hand in Fig. 84). During the whole of the exhalation massage up and down sides and loins modcrately fast. The movement comos from the elhows ; but the wrists can also move. Fig. 83 shows thelowcst position of the hands. Fig. 84 the liighcst. Again, inhale and slowly twist trunk completely round to the right (Fig. 84), changing over the arms whilst twisting. Now massage up and down as before. over sides and loins, till exhalati<m is finished. Then twist to the left inhaling. stop and rub again, exhaling. Carry on ; twelve breaths in all.

This exercise reduces fat on hips and sides ; slims waist and makes it supple. Iiltemal massage is also given to the liver and other organs. Later on you can inerease the speed of the massage.


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