distance apart (see Fig. 45). Then sink the body slowly forward by bending the arms. at the same time turning the finger-tips inwards and bringing the elbows well outward and slightly up (Fig. 46). This is done during inhalation. The body is held as straight as a plank and the heels are raised off the floor while the arms bend. While cxhaling, the arms are slowly straightened again, and the fingers point once morę to the front, heels lowered. Ten dual movements to ten respira-tions.
Every time the arms are being bent, you may turn the head slowly to one side alternately, bringing it back to the front on stretching the arms. A common mistake is to push the seat out backwards and bend in the hips. People urith weak backs go to the other extreme by drop-pmg the abdomen.
li for some reason or other only one arm can be uscd. stand a pace front the wali and put the arm straight out with palm against the wali, in height with one's head. Then bend and stretch the arm as before.
Second Degree
Resting on palms and knees on the floor. Carry out similar arm and head movements. The fingers are now constantly pointing in-ward 45°. You should inhale with the downward morement because the elbows are brought out to the sides and the cliest thus opened, whereas in other exercises where the body is doubled up, you naturally exhale while bending forward or downward.
Third Degree
The normal way. On the floor, resting on palms and toes only (Fig. 47). To be surę that the body is kept straight, let a friend control you to begin with, or you can glance sideways into a mirror. If you find yourself either dropping or raising the seat before the exercise isfinished, you had better drop on to the knees and continue in this positionof the foregoing degree. Inhale while going down (Fig. 48), exhale coming up, and turn the head to alternate sides (Fig. 49).
Fourth Degree
Either do the exercise on the finger-tips with hands spread out or lift each straight leg alternately on going down. These two advanced methods can, of course, also be combined (Fig. 50).
One can also perform the arm movements quicker ; for example, bend and stretch twice during a deep inhalation and three titnes while exhaling. lf you are very strong, you can put one hand on the back while moving up and down by the efiort of the other one only. This hand should be well in under the body. Farticułarly use the weakest arm.
A simple plan is to use an ordinary tub and jug ; the best and most practicai thing, however, is to get a fiat sponge-bath, a hand shower-bath and an ordinary bucket. The hand shower-bath is easily filled by dip-