] Rctcrrmg to the immrctiom on pagcs 18-20 and using siłver-lincd gieen 11’ wed beads. comptctc a right-angle wave band llul ii one paltom too shoit to go around your parikulai stonc.
Do cr-ough row-s v> th.H the wtaving is not quile as widc as thc stonc is thick. Join the ends a* shown lit thebasie right-angle weavc instroctions.
2<-hange to the lasrndcr 14' beads and vrcave scvcral rows on one »d< of the greeii vrovcn piece. Do one row of lnvender wwive on iheothcr sidc as welL Place stonc iilMilr Itie wosrtl band and coniutue nuldng rowu with thc Uvetider Itcadi until you havc the stonc sccuicd
3 Determine which tide you uosikl Iihc for the top edge of lite piece and imbed a new doitWed thread in thc grwn part of thc band ciotę to lite sUle of the top, jn shown in Figurę 4-23. Hołd the piece horirontally and bring thc nrcdk- out of the top green srrtical bead in the row you havc cbosen.
- { Refernng to the bead Iccy. strityg on beads in thc fbUowing sequcncc: GSC.S-CSD-R-D-GS-GSGS.
"I Moving in tlte direclion away frorn the top of tlie slab, 'kip owr to the third row of sertk.il beads (ront the row w herc you stancd (row 11 and go to the other side of the band (bottom as you are holding the piece). Paw the ucedle through the wrtkal beads in that row from bottom to top, as shown iii Figurę 3-24, and puli up.llte beads yxiu threaded on shoukl l>e sitting at an augle to the band.
QStrmg on another set of beads as in step 4 and rcpeat step 5. Continuc in this mantter all tlie way around to the other side of the piece to the top.
Do not place beads across thc top,
tuat ficu.i
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