

Noyelty Party Necklace


Materials rcąulred

•    roughly 2m (óft ?in) tigcr


+ ttrirc cuiter*

■- asfortcd nwdty bcads

crimp beadi

•    flat-nostd plicn

: 2 bcad lips

•    J claSft

5 Cr NT*r Tut show WIRf CORROCTlY «»o*i ckusmmo rxr crimpś.

To irtókć th* necklóćć

Cut a 5Gcm (20'm) Icngth of tigcr taiK for thc bose wirc„ then cut the rcmoining wirc into I (Jem (4in) piece*

Thrcad a crimp bcad, a nor-elty bead and anotber cremp bcad to the centro of thc tos* winę. Thread o lOem (4Jn) icngth ot

tigcr lail through these three bcads. ccmtre? the short Icngth of %vir< then cruih thc t-wo crimp bcods using thc flat-no-scd pJicrs.

Work outwards, repeoting this pracc« and spacing thc bcads roughly 5cm <2in) aport

3. Spać* -TH£ UMl




Jolo eoch 1 Ocm (4in) icngth of tigcr taił to its ncighbour by threoding thc two %vir es through o single novcłty bcad. Caush o crimp bead jjuit under thc nov*lty beod


Join the lact twe. wires at eaeh and of thc MckJoce a crimp bcad. Add o dob of gluc, insert thc crimp into o beod lip ond Ottach the tip to your closp

The nccklocc shoutd end with o join bctwccn thc bose wirc o»nd o lOcm (4łn) kng1h» Adjost th« Icngth of thc shorter piccc of tigcr taił to accommodotc this if noc owa ry.




4 Wa»;c w mc pcnoaht* *y un&ng ty»o SHO«m uwoths or tocr tak.

5. Ihtscrt mc ObMp ikto a mao tip AHD attacw thc clasp


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