Materials reguł red
wughły 5Qcm (20in) tigcr taił for each netkldce kow, 2Qcm
(Sin) for eacb bracelet
assorteci colours o crimp bcads flat-nosed pliers-I clasp (avoid using band chips when making bracelets) o glue
o 2 bead tipi
Prcporing thc rows
Dividc the beods up into os mony piles os yotj wont rows. loy thc beods out on o tobie to sec how thc finished ctfcct will look.
G Stort from thc ccntrc of coch row of tigcr toil. Crush o crimp bcod using your flat-rVóićd pliCrS, then thrcod on a bcod ond crush another crimp bead to sccurc.
. ftcpcot step 2, spać Ing the beods roughly 2cm (Vdn) opart, u ntil you reoch thc rcguircd length.
C Asscmbling the closp
To fasten o single-row necklacc ór broedet, thrcod on o crimp bead ♦hen takc thc tigcr taił thróugh thc ring of thc closp ond bock through thc crimp bcod. Crush thc bcod using thc flot-noscd pliers. To fasten o multi-row nccklace, threod the lengths of tigcr toil through o crimp bcod ond crv*h. Trim thc tige-r toil roughly lmm (»/t«in) from the crimp bcod. Add a dob of glue to the crimp ond ploce in o bead tip. Attach it to the closp. Rcpcat this process ot thc other end of thc necklacc or bracelct.,
2. Stahting orr.
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Yóu ca* alio Mł doubkd~up bieycle brabe cable thc nutin thread for this jcwcJIcry (itt lefl). Uowevrrt bicycic brakc c*iblc u rrutdc Mp óf icl&tdl -Vćry fint strands of metal that may cause tńjnry if thc Midi arc U fi han ging free, io Sake rpceutl care.