^rcporiitg thc cyc pins
out o dc*K>n for the pendent 'Wd popcr bcforc sf-orltog rbo bcods on thc cyc pins. *hc p«n* lcm (*/iin) obove thc crvJ mokc a loop ufing thc •fcnd-noscd pBm.
^iC-ere oll fKc ćyć pins, ennuring orc oll thc sonie tongth lccve
2 Fwbt rrt rw.
i*** coch end of o bcodcd cyc pin ^ sn cyc pin irithout bccdi by «c*n«ng ihc ey* and jolniog thc tog-ether
hrtfod OOC O/ tv»6 i*nóH glass on coch empty cyc pin,
'•‘'c-sd on onother bcodcd cyc pin •CpCCt thc pOttCrn wntil you *roch the penuhimate cyc pin.
0 Ottach Ihc- finał cyc pin in the v*oy as you d*d thę f Łr>t (sec
4> Artach thf jprmp rfng bctwccn *»o cyc pins on thc uppef row of pendant and thread it ona tf^n or smoli g^oss b*od ntddacr*
Attaching thc droplct bcods
~''tad a mnclty beed on o hecd p* Form o clotcd dng ot th< top Ord hang łrerm rho main pendant
•epeat fgc the reguired number oł «plct bc-eds
5. Tm«uonc ot* tmc cm pms
5 AM© 6 tut riMSMtD rtMOAMT.
Materials reąttfred
o .iboif l 10 rye pins o smali glass bcads and n owity b?ads, i/i assorced colcurs
• rounJ-rttocd pliers
• 4 di o piet Iręmłi
tiirejding (hem on (O hejJfirn .truł htrjgrng fron: :h( brttarn li/Ut< pendant.