Materials reffuircd
o r-oughly 6Con (24in) tiger taił for eacb necblace roK', 25cm (!Oin) for eacb bracelet rouj o wire ęaf(ęrs
• crt»ip beads
• giue
• 2 bead tipi
• fTat-nosed pliers
• / dasp (avoid using
band clasps when mak mg braedett)
• medium-sized novdty beads in assorted colo ars
I. Startimo Off.
You will nccd threc to li ve rows to make this necklacc or bracclct and novclty beads with large openings.
Threod cli the lengths oł tiger O Rcpcot step 1 to ottach the toil through the same crimp bcod closp to the other cnd.
gnd crush the beod at one end oł the tiger taił. Add o dab ot gluc ond plaęę ?hc crimp into o bcad tip. Close the beod tip and Ottach it to the closp.
€ Work oll the tęngths ot tiger taił in the same woy, threoding one or moro novclty beads on to cg^h wire and then threoding oll the wiros through o crimp beod. o novclty bead and onother crimp beod. Crush the t-wo crimp bcods using the tlat-nosed pliers. Repeot this process until you havc the dćiired length.
2. JHUt A&HG on thi »caos.
i 3 . u °
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To make o morę dynamie piece ot jcwellery try using wires ot drfferent lengths ond teosing out the execst wire bekwcen the novclty bcad dividcrs.