3 Doggies 3
Page 48
SIZE: About 13" frora taił to nose. MATERIALS: Knitting worsted weight yarn (3.5 oz. skoin) — 2 skeins grey. Smali amount black and red yarn for embroidery. Polyester fiberfil. Yarn needle. 30" of '■¥* ribbon. Size H crochet hook, OK SIZE NEEDED TO OBTAIN PROPER GAUGE.
GAUGE: 13 so = 4".
NOTĘ —To Dec One St: Insert hook in first st, draw up a loop. insert hook in next st, draw up a loop, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook. To Inc One St: Work 2 sc in same st.
BODY — Underswie (Kight Half): Ch 21. Row 1: Mark for right side of work. Starting in second ch from hook. work 1 sc in each ch across. Ch 1, tum. Row 2: Work even (1 sc in each sc across). Increaae Rows 3. 4 and 5: Inc 1 st at beg and end of oach row — 26 sta. Ch 1, tum. Back Foot — Row i: Work 1 w in each of first 10 sc. Ch 6, tum. Row 2: Starting in second ch from hook. work 1 sc in each of next 5 ch and 10 8C. Ch 1, tum. Rows 3 and 4: Work even. Rows 5 and 6: Dec 1 st at beg and end of row. Fasten off. Front Foot: With wrong side of work Jacing, skip center 8 sc aftor first row of back leg. join yarn in next sc, work 1 sc in each of next 8 sc. Ch 6, tom. Row 2: Start -ing in second ch from hook, work 1 sc in each of next fi ch and next 8 sc. Ch
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3 Doggies 3 9. POODLE Page Ą8 SIZE: About 13" frora taił to nose. MATERIALS: Knitting worsted&n3 Doggies 7 10. DALMATIAN Page SIZE: About 13" from taił to nose MATERIALS: Knitting worsted&nb(magic crochet)RED AND BLUE SIZE: 5” in diameter. MATERIALS : Knitting worsted weight yarn, red (R)09 webbig Little Shell Sacque Sizo: About 17* circumference at bonom x 7* high Materials: Worsted weDECORAT4[1] RUSTIC ROSETTE 2?v Glcndola Hodges A t GAUGE. Rnds 1-3 = ca. I 1/2” in diameter. For mat75390 Obraz0 (48) 116 Ćwiczenie 6.13. Przypomnij sobie reakcje benzenu z etylenem (rozdz. 4.6) i wywriting wczesnoszkolna09 >v Early infant season books (see page 48) Christmas Books. Make stable(magic crochet)15PINK FLOWER CENTERPIECE Ongi na l design by E. Uiddelson SIZE: About 22" inStevie jflngd Steue Size: About 4 1/2* tali Materials: Bedspread-woight crochet cotton, white Sizewriting wczesnoszkolna22 Early infanl season books (see page 48)----*-2- Christmas Books. Make stabl48 (102) x> n n Radikal 1348 (122) Ryc. 13. Głaskanie poprzeczne grzbietu Głaskanie poprzeczne piłowe - stosuje sic głaskanieimg067 (17) ADOBE TABLE RUNNERV I C K I SOUARE PAGE 48 VICKI SOUARE is the author of four books from41 5 12. FLOWER MOTIF S/ioiun on page 27. Finished Size: 35" x 41" MATERIALS Sport Weightwięcej podobnych podstron