Mailbox Arts and Crafts For All Seasons7

Mailbox Arts and Crafts For All Seasons7



Materials for Each Chlld:

1 white posterboard splash cutout i rod posterboard boot cutout toa or elear plastic Styrofoam® balls. 1 ’ in diameter ' pipę deaners and glitter Wacfc marker, glue. and paintbrush

Cłd9S Preparatlons:

Use the pattern on page 78 to cut a red posterboard boot. for each child Also. cut a splash shape. larger than the boot from white posterboard Make smali holes in the Styrofoam® balls Have a hole puncher and tape ready.


1.    Spread glue over the splash cutout and cover with foil or elear plastic Make wiggly lines oł glue with a pamtbnjsh and sprmkle on glitter.

2.    Use a hole puncher to punch holes in the edge of the splash cutout. O

3.    Use a black marker to draw the heel and sole on the bottom edge of the boot. as shown.

4.    Glue the boot to the splash shape.

5.    Spread glue on the Styrofoam® balls and pipę deaners. Roli them m glitter; then allow iodry.

i. Stick the pipę deaners into the Styrofoam® balls. Push each pipę cleaner through a hole in the splash shape and tape on the back O

Rainbow Colors

Materials for Each Chlłd: i sheet of 9* x 12* construction paper 1 Container larger than 9" x 12*. filled with water rainbow-colored runny tempera paints paintbrushes or spoons

Clasg Preparatlong:

Mix paint in rainbow colors—violet. indigo. blue. green. yellow. orange. and red—to a very runny consistency. Fili the large Container with water.


1. Dip the paper in the water 7. Siarting with vtolet. drip the runny paint from a paintbrush or spoon onto the wet paper in a smali arc shape.

3. Take a different paintbrush or spoon and drip an mdigo arc above the violet one Ą. Continue until you have painted the whole rainbow.


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