1 tagboard star cutout
1 piece of aJuminum foil. 10“ square
narrow nbbon. 6* in length
glitier and gluo
Use the pattem bełow to cut a tagboard star lor each child. Have a hole puncher ready.
1. Wrap foil around the star to cover atl the tagboard. U)
1. Use a paintbrush to make a pattem with glue on the star; then sprinkle on glitter.
3. Use a hole puncher to punch a hole throogh one point. O
4. Thread narrow ribbon through me hole; then tie a bow. O
5. Hang the star on a Chnstmas tree. O
Use with Star Shine on this page. Christmas Frames on page 54, Patriotic Mobile on page 118, and Magie Wand on page 136.