1 colored constructior>-paper semiarcle 1 tagboard handle, labeled with chłkfs name
1 piece of wrapped candy glitter and glue
For this group project. use fhe pattem on page 40 to cut out a colored semlcircle for each child. Number the semicircles 1 through 24. Cut a strip of tagboard about 3/*‘ x 6“ to make a handle for each cone. Label each cone handle with the name of a child in your class. Stand a large twiggy branch in a flowerpot filled with soli Have a stapler and tape ready.
1. Spread glue ałong the curved edge of the semicircie and sprinkle on glitter, Allow the glue to dry.
2. Tape the semicircie Into a cone: thon staple on the tagboard handle O
3. Put a piece of wrapped candy in each cone.
4. Hang the cones on the twig tree. O
5. Each day of December remove the cono with that day's datę on it. and give it to the child named on the handle. O