1ho ętudentę hcjp you pif up a ctasęroan Ortstwo; 1ree f-jcrc cre Oonr ycaT ukos łcp dccoratecrss,'
Materlal9 for Cach Chlld: several 4’ squares of double-stded.
cotored construction paper thick-handled paintbrush long length of cord glue
Glue sheets of different-colored 12* x 18' construction paper together back to t>ack. Allow the paper to dry overnighl. Then tear the paper into sąuares. approximately 4* x 4". G>ve each child a handful of squares
1. Roli a paper square into a lube shape around a paintbrush.
Z. Glue the end ot the paper down, to make a cylmdrical bead O 3. Keep making beads until you have used up all the squares of paper.
■4. Thread all the beads onto cord ano tie the ends together Use the beads to decorate your Christmas tree. O
Pretzel Garland
Materlalg for Cach Chlld; 1 yard of narrow ribbon 12 smali pretzels
Tie a pretzel to one end of the ribbon to stop the other pretzels from falfing off when they are being threaoed
1. Carefully thread the ribbon in and out of the pretzels as shown to make a garland. £)
2. Tie the end of the ribbon to the last pretzel. O
3. Use your pretzel garland to decorate your classroom bulletin board or hang it on a Christmas tree. If you use unsalted pretzels. you can decorate trees outdoors so that the birds can enioy a tasty snack. ; j