Class Preparationg:
Find an empty cardboard box wilh a lid for each child.
1 smali cardboard box with a lid vanous materials for decoration soch as shells. dry pasta, beads. and glmer
gold tempera paint and paintbrush głue
1. Glue a few pieces of pasta on the sides of the box and on its lid Allow to dry.
2 Brush gold paint all over the box and pasta decorafions. Allow to dry.
Queen’s Crown
3. Glue shelis. beads and glitter on the box to fili the gaps.
4. Use your box for stonng secret treasures.
1 tagboard semicircle. 14“ in diameter aluminum foil
stnps of colored crepe paper. 8“ in length jellybeans and glue
Cla9S PreparatlohS'-Use a pin and string to draw and cut a 14* cirde from tagboard (see page 5). Cut the drcle in half and provide each child with one semicircle Cut crepe paper into 8" streamers. Have tape ready.
1 Spread glue on the semicircle and cover with aluminum foil. O
7-. Tape the straight edges of the semicircle together to make a cone. O
3. Decorate by gluing on jellybeans for jeweis
4. Tape the streamers to the top of the crown.