1 tagboard star cutout glitter. sequins. or beads 1 piece of dowel. 8’ In length aluminum or gold foil gold or silver paint paintbrush glue
Use the pattern on page 45 to cul a tagboard star for each child. Have tape ready
f. Paint the star gold or silver on both sides and aliow to dry.
2. Glue on glitter. sequins. or beads.
3. Wind foil around the dowel and tape at the top and bonom. (]>
■4. Tape the star onto the dowel <T>
Materials For Cach Child: t colored constructron-paper crown cutout Lifesavers® glue
For each child. fold a piece of 18* x 6* constructron paper in hałf widthwise and cut zigzags along the top, as shown Have tape ready.
1. Decorate the paper by gtuing on Ufesavere3 for jewels. Aliow to dry.
2. Tape the paper into a crown to fit. O*