

Macrame Twists

Macramć uses up a loi of thrcad, so 10 calcuUie clic length of thrcad rcquircJ multiply the dcsircd length for the hmshcd piece by ciglu.

Materials retjit Ired

•    rórighly 4m (lSft) tWUW or coloitrcd sirrng fora ebober, 2»t (Cft 7i»)foY ^ braccJct

ó bctuk and)ar boled but-


•    glue

1. Staktwg o**

fl Maeromó t<jchniique

Cut a length of string cqwol tg double the length of your finished piece plus 20cm (Sin). Hah*e this length of string (this will be your baw thread) ond knot the striog yPM will use for weoving oround the bose thrcod at ies nridwoy point. loovc o snnoll loop to fosten the j*w*ll*ry (sec step 4): it should be the same siic os the fostęning

button or bcad.

O Pass the Icft string ovcr the two bose fhreods. and the right string orer the Icft string and oround thę bock of the bose threods. Puli the cod out through the left loop. Tighten the stnngs € Pass the right string over the bose threods, fhen th* lęft string ©vcr the right string and oround the bock of the base threods. Puli the leff string out through the right loop Tighten the threods.

O Repeot -step* 2 and 3 until you have the requircd length. To finrsh, threod o bood or butfron on to the bose threods then make up one or two macroroe motifs ond opply o dob of glue.

Buttons ond bcads

Add buttons ond beads to the macrame as you go, threoding them either on to the bose threod or on to the mocromi strings.

2 Firvt uotif

3 Sicono won*




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