CameraZOOM 20130510083748235

CameraZOOM 20130510083748235

Name (»ro u p I >n tc

I. I sc unothcr form of the word on the right (o compktc tlic scnicncc

.ner to pro i

1.Waler .................. ............ ..    ... is the remo\al ;>j contaminams :;on ,v.v

drinking water PURIFY

2.Sewage 5.He is an

i> essentiai to ptiblic hcalń : R1 \ I engineer 1 W IR^WP \ V

4. The water suppl\ has been lested tor ............ CON TAMIN \ 11

ó.There was an international meeting about promoting    Jcvclopme sl;v. \

6.He is responsible tor strategie ................. \ss! ss

7.Organie waste is composted and then returncd to local Farmland to    .......ihooi1 .    [<V

8    ...... ...... ............. ..........kills pathogens in the treated water DISINFECT

9    Large particles are allowed to settle to the bottom in a ................. ...    . tank Sl.DIMt \ l

10    The report said that ships produced less .................................than aircraft. POLLL I F

1.    Put in the missing words.

I R ę__    _____ is the process of cleaning up polluted ground and returnmg it to use

2.    Sol id waste m ą _ _ _    ___is the remova! and disposal ofhousehold and factor\ rubbish.

3. There are no landfill sites because waste is _r________.

4. H _    _    is the place where a particular animal or plant is found

5. U is iiTjportant to treat f _ gas (gas emissions front factories) lll. Match the words with their defmitions.

1. sludge .........

2. renewable .......

S.deposit ........

4.landfill site ..........

a)    a substance that has been left on a surface or in the ground rock as the result ot a natura! process

b)    a thick soft substance that remains when liquid has been removed in an industrial process

c)    a storę or amount of something that is provided or available to be used

d)    an area of land where large amounts of waste materiał are buried

e)    that replaces itseif naturaMy. or is eastl> replaced because there is a lot of it

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the words in bold

1.    ’i checked the pipes for cracks yesterday.” he    ,

1 1    ^eror

The inspector explained that............................... -• .............. ............. ............

2. !Thev will chanse the filters next week " following

The 5upervisor said that they ........... .

to the water ......da\

3.'‘Do you add chlorine to the water?" if The engineer asked me.................


4 "Where are you going today0" was uunt^d ro know w here........


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