Complete the sentence with the comparativc form of the adjcctivc in brackcts.
She's quite quiet and introvcrted. Her husband's a lot ni/wp łoilfiluzji . (talkativc)
Write the verb that collocates with each of the choices below.
/y/<_in with my boyfriend/house/to Canada
Write the vcrb that collocates with cach of the choices below. tlnOu^fl iobs/my carecr/schools
Write the verb Utai collocates with each of the choices below.
yL divorced/pregnant/married
Write the verb that collocates with each of the choices below.
Write the veri> that collocates with each of the choices below.
Mp UiŁS, on my own/with my girlfriend/in a smali town
Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.
His wife left him Łw _another man.
Complete the scntenc^ wit] I was furious when
n appropriate word.
out that he was seeing someone else.
56. SI.
Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.
I think my husband's _an affair with another woman.
Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.
We've got a lot in fjfllftAmA _. We both love cooking and wc both hate doing any physical
Complete the dialogue with an appropriate word.
A: Is she married? . .
B. l'm afraid her husband nr. ■jAfi _away last year.
A: Oh. Tm sorry to hear thal-
Complcte the sentence with intnaf.
He died_q£_old age.
Complete the sentence with in ot cf.
He died ‘n a wrrorist attack.
Complete the sentence with in ot of.
He died t«A his słeep.
Complete the sentence with in ot of.
He died UhL_somc strange illness.
Complete the sentence with in or of.
He died ( \a_a motorbike accident.
i 58. Complete the sentence with in or of.
He died Oł_stornach cancer.
59. Complete the sentence with in or of.
He died »_a train crash.
60. Complete the sentence with in or of.
He died a heroin overdose.