Brown, Georgina Eye of the Storm BS

Erotic fiction wrltten by women for women
Antonia thought she was in a long-term relationship with a globe-trotting bachelor. She was not. His wije told her so.
Seething with the anger that only a deceived woman can truły know, Antonia decides to run away to sea. She accepts a crewing job on a private yacht, and at once realises her employment is going to be far from mundane. Her new employers, who include the beautifully beguiling transexual, Emira, take pleasure in the most unusual ways.
Philippe Salvatore, the owner of the yacht, takes a big shine to Antonia, but complications abounck His obsessive mistress is not pleased by the presence of the new recruit and the arrival of Philippe’s outrageous mother throws everyone into a spin.
To add to this, the continuous rivalry between Philippe and his half-brother Conway Patterson results in reckless sailing and desperate behaviour. Antonia finds herself caught in family feuding, bizarre encounters and a job she’ll neyer forget. By the best-selling author of The Stallion.
The publishers recommend that this book SHOULD ONLY BE SOLD ONLY TO ADULTS
UK: £4.99 USA: $5.95 ‘AUSTRALIA: $12.95
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