Copeland, Sarah Dreamers in Time BS
Erotic fiction written by women for women
So strong were her recollections that she could almostfeel the weight of his body on top of her; almost smell the strong, sweet scent ofwarm małe Jlesh.
Four thousand years from now, the last remnants of humanity battle for survival beneath a hostile sun. Two thousand people remain suspended in endless slumber while others toil for the means to wake them.
Camal desires and the lexicon of physical pleasures have been forgotten in the long age that passed sińce the last humans madę 1
love. Barbarie dreams and strange fantasies are all that remain.
Ehlana, historian and time traveller, becomes the unwitting bridge between her own time and ours as she travels in search of an answer. She discovers that her own primal memories provide the key which unlocks the door to another world and her own sexual awakening.
Dreamerj tn-Time Sarah Copeland
The publishers recommend that this book SHOULD BE SOLD ONLY TO ADULTS

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