be save& If, figurea; group by a
9. It will be found that considerable l&bour will when oyphering, the grouj$* are v,ritten strs^ight out in 5 rnarkiffigjtiftt this stage, 1jfap tpri-ńn autor: oi’ each h-Tigure stroke. thua
620/27 ~l gZand.so on
SEE^KSrn® ctktjfs
11* Certain 7/ords, etc., which are commonly used, have been allottsd mora than one group. These groups must be used indiscrimi-nately. Any procedurę, such as memoriziug a partieular group, by which the altematives *re not used indiscriminately will compromise the cypher.
15. Cardinal numbers are not included in the dictionary of the cyph»r,;->ut ap* printed in a separata seetion fol łowi. ng it.
16, * iftree ftgufte iiumbć^sy ejpept multiples of luO which have
been al^ttbd'separa^e"' be cytfheredTjy the appropriate
J.OU+ jrou^?oj!lowed tHe grouptĘją. l&s£ ,two figures.
Esamplet ( (i) 500+
537 (
< (i*) 37
humbers containing four or morę figures, escept those which- haw*. been allotted separate groupa*. 3ó_Łł be cyphered as foliowa; -
£sample3: k-Yi 1 ( 'i; 43
( Cii) 71
([iii) 99
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offered by it. Many schools of statically conservative thought do not conceal the role of social comBeach glass can be found along many of our coasial bcachcs. The glass is naturally tumblcd by the ocDSC23 (11) It will automatically apply the update data once downłoaded. A progress bar shows you thmob influence This card may be played at any limę, and counts as the action for the group it affectsnewblood This card may be płaycd at any time, and counts as the action for the group it affects. Thegrassrootssupport Crassroots Support Thtt card may be płayed at any time, and counb ał the actwn torArtforAnimals BY MATTHEW FULLER (SECOND EXPANDED VERSI0N) ‘ If art is genuine it is creative revolut18 Piotr Betlej results by gender, it should be noted that that women sees ełectronic exams much morDSCF0039 ESSAYS IN SWEDISH HISTORY for a mess of pottage. If they did so, it was by no means the onlself esteem This card may be played at any time, and counts as the action for the group it affects.Familiar Letters to Various Peoplc (1580) be sonie use to you if you heard about it and that if theyf6 thumbnail1 BACK TO TOP TEXT GotjoTop EDITOR ✓ Leave it blank if you donl want it to be shown.więcej podobnych podstron