AUjJ1 °jJscui£nt$ feedback, their information is oased on a whoie s
source of
are an eKceiient series of iessons and they usually have a elear idea of how wei! they are learning and why; they appreciate being consulted.
~ yić/ ); it takes some courage
deiiberately to expose yourseif to criticism; one possibility is to make a mutual arrangement with a like-minded coiieague (peer teaching, peer observation}
III. How can you deyeiop professionally:
1. What can you do withSn your own teachlng routine:
a) your (own) persona! refiections (habit) - the basis - your own experience; EXPERiENTIAL LEARNING (prepare-do-recall-reflect-conciude-do-...)
ii SfGflitLtiOM*)___
o advantages: ;
£ l^'XkXt0i/'u_Mż.i Q)__Or ci Jmi .2,
i i ifCiU.......m
)/łii p i/Ji/Jim oko
tfo<9 ^ 7pJ/)ń
- uour . 4 i hi l .-a o id&a 'p (j /i aj-ćd ,
w>w yoa cm ^ ml jm oj[ u om twmc
® disadvanfages:
- if A tmd ni) moim*? anrf W ohmJy
_ _ y
jogi_beu/R_ślt-J-d-l-M ifiYiafr m.....~4xl
d .......juad.^.. ^aur MuJiMm
m 1/7Y’j s)/h L, \U njA a, Ytt tti ffr-j //Min A 4-L m y n h** A
lgm_mJźah Um ptlijm dfańjfc
~dan$M\ 4 Jy 9 JJą ^
teaching and their stude
teachers record their thcughts about their
immediately afterthe iesson i wachr&n Mi!
some time Advantages:
later { mw ^pecifA pApJkn )
.. i 1 f
- the act of writing the journal forces us to try to put into words thoughts the act of reading our own journals makes us engage again with what we experienced, feit or worried about.
MkYińa. wifb ipar
be posifjye or negatwe.
tape recorder, filmed Iessons Uf_3 (^entors):n what you wish to share may