


Linux Uscr's Manuał



w - Show uho is logged on and uhat they are doing.


w - thusfYł Cuser3


w displays inforaation about the U3ers currently on the aachinc. and their processcs. The heoder shous. in this order. the current tiae. hou long the 3y3tea haa been running. hou aany U3crs are currently logged on. and the systea load averages for the past 1, 5. and 15 ainules.

The following entries are disployed for cach user: login naae. the tty naae. the reaote host, login tiae. idle tiae. JCPU. PCPU. and the coaaand linę of their currcnt process.

The JCPU tiae is the tiae used by all processcs attachcd to the tty. It doe3 not inelude post background jobs. but

Manuał page u(l) linę 1


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