"Tony Hillcrman and Roscmary Herbert havc choscn wisely and woli. This is an admirablc and cnjoyablc amhology of American dctcaivc writing."
—John Mortimer
“ The ()xford Bonk of American Delta itr Stonet is indispensablc 10 anyonc interested in the form.” —Robert B. Parker
‘‘This is not an amhology, ii’s a giłc basket, and to do ii justicc we ought to take ii along on a round-the-world cruisc. Therc are so many good storics herc, told sc well. covcring such a rangę of rerritory and time. Theyrc dclightful in thcmsclycs. and thcyrc a finc reminder that the dctcctive story has becn a warm home to the finest fiction writers sińce its vcry beginniog." —Donald E. Wcstlake
“ The varictv and crcativity of the sclcctions-and the scholarship rcflecicd in the introduction and story notes combine to put this volumc on the smali shelf of corncrstonc anthologies. No library or individual collcction of short erime fiction should l>c without it." —Jon L Brcen
“Thcsc 33 American dctcctivc storics are a joyful entertainment and a livclv łcsson in the history of the an form at the same time." —Janc I.angton
“ The ()xford Book of American Deiectire Storics is less 3 collcction and morę a trea-sure. Tony Hillcrman and Roscmary Herbert havc sifted carefułly through onc-hundred-fifty ycars of erime fiction, presenting elassies from early masters such as Iśdgar Allan Poc and Susan ClasjH‘11 to contcmporarics like Linda Barnes and Bill Pronzini. A genuinely wondcrful addition to the field." —Jeremiah Heały
“A commanding collcction that dcmonstratcs the rich history of the American detcctivc story. Established ntonumcnis are represented along with a surpris-ingly widc rangę of scldom-atuhologi/cd—but vcry good—writers who descrvc rc-discovery. Accompanied by insightful introductfóns to cach story, the col-lection providcs an extraordinarily valuable combination of information and entertainment." —Rcx Burns
"Cerrain ro be the standard anthology of American detectivc storics for ycars to comc." —Edward D. Hoch
ISBN 0-19-508581-7